When Will a&m Play Texas Again

It is truthful that when using the following words y'all should be conscientious when you are using 'will':

if / when  / afterwards / until / in case.

In fact, in nearly cases you lot should not use will with these words.  It is ane of the stranger rules in English, and therefore it is i of the most mutual mistakes English language learners brand.

Here are some examples of sentences where you cannot utilise volition:

'I will call you when I will go far at the station'

'We will encounter each other later on I will come back from my holidays'

'We should take an umbrella in case it will rains'

So why can't we utilize will? What exactly is the dominion?

If it is already clearthat you are talking most the hereafter, equally it is for all of the sentences above, so you shouldn't utilise will afterwards if/when/after etc.

Every bit you can encounter again in the same examples below, you accept already usedwill in the outset office of each judgement, so it is articulate that you are talking virtually the future. This means that afterif / when  / after / until / in case,you shouldn't utilise it once more:

'I volition call yous when Iwill get in at the station'

'We volition see each other after Iwill come dorsum from my holidays'

Also with modal verbs likeshouldandcan information technology is clear that we are talking about the time to come, so we shouldn't use will after if / when etc.:

'Nosotros should take an umbrella in case itwill rains'

In fact, this covers near every situation when you are talking about the future, but there are a few exceptions:

  • Asking questions with phrases like'do you know'  'can you tell me':

'Practise you know if we volition become the chance to see the castle on the tour?'

'Could  you tell me when the railroad train will arrive in London'

  • Proverb that you don't know near something:

' I'grand not sure if it will be nice atmospheric condition for a charcoal-broil later'

'I have no thought when John will get in into town'

So to brand things easier, really all you demand to remember is that if yous are request questions like those to a higher place, and talking nigh things you lot don't know, you lot should use will with if and when, all other times you should not.

It is also possible to apply will after if in some conditional sentences..

Existent provisional sentences look like the one below:

'If I miss my double-decker I volition exist late'or'I volition be late if I miss my bus'

In these sentences, information technology doesn't matter whether the 'if' function comes first or not in the sentence, the 'if' office is e'er the first thing that happens:

  1. I miss my charabanc
  2. I will be late

This is the same for nearly all provisional sentences you make with if, and we NEVER use 'volition' here after 'if':

'If you help me I will pay you' /'I volition pay you if you lot help me'

one. Y'all assistance me

2. I will pay yous

But sometimes the 'if function is the second matter that happens:

'If it will help you I will bring in some exercises to endeavor'/'I will bring in some exercises to try if it volition assistance you'

1. I will bring in some exercises for you to attempt

2. It will help you

You won't meet these sentences very often, simply you may want to utilise one, here is some other case:

'If it will make you happy I will open the window'

1st conditional-page-001

Hither again the 'if' role is the 2d affair that happens, ad this is where you can use 'will' with 'if' in conditional sentences.

Compare these diagrams:

1st conditional-page-0011st conditional-page-001

Hither the 'if' part is the second thing that happens         Here the 'if' part is the offset thing that happens

                  USE WILL WITH IF HERE                                                  DON'T USE Will WITH IF HERE

Here are some more than examples to explain this more clearly:

'I will help you if you assistance me start'

1. You assist me
two. I will help you

'I will help you if you will help me afterwards'

ane. I volition aid you
2. Y'all will help me

Once more these sentences using will with if are not and so common, but sometimes they are necessary and can be very useful! Find out some more useful forms of 1st conditional sentences correct hither!

For more data on conditionals, including exercises, email me at david@fluencyspace.com, or bulletin me on Skype at live:fluencyspace! Click hither for more useful Business English grammar!


 David Cox

 Fluency Space

 Make the world your fluency infinite. Business English for career and life success

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Source: http://fluencyspace.com/using-will-with-if/

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