Toppan Printing rebrands as Toppan Inc.
Toppan Inc. has evolved to diversify into multiple sectors

Toppan Printing (Toppan) (TYO: 7911), a global leader in communication, security, packaging, décor materials, and electronics solutions, has inverse its English company name from Toppan Press Co., Ltd. to Toppan Inc. post-obit a resolution passed at the Annual General Coming together of Shareholders held on June 29. The make's evolution represents Toppan'south expansion beyond its traditional markets both in terms of business fields and geographical footprint.

"Toppan has a rich history of wide-ranging business based on cutting-edge press technologies. This has enabled us to diversify into multiple sectors transcending the traditional boundaries of the press industry and to expand into global markets on various fronts," said Hideharu Maro , Toppan's President & Representative Director.

"Based on a key concept of ' Digital & Sustainable Transformation ,' nosotros now intend to farther drive the Toppan make globally as one representing a grouping providing multifaceted, end-to-end solutions to customers in all kinds of sectors and to the many different challenges faced by global society," he added.

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