Missing My Family After Moving to Texas From California

We've now lived in Texas for a whole yr. WHAT! We get questions all the time about moving to Texas, so here are 8 reasons why nosotros love living here.

Thinking nearly moving to Texas? So are a lot of other people!

Moving to Texas? A few weeks ago my mom texted me and told me that she'd read that over 86,000 people moved to Texas in 2019. We happened to exist v of those people! Since we moved hither one year agone, I get questions constantly nigh moving to Texas, and today I wanted to share eight of our favorite things about living in The Alone Star State.

Spoiler alarm, nosotros love it hither.

Did nosotros miss living in California after moving to Texas?

WeLOVED California, peculiarly living in Huntington Beach, which is where nosotros lived for four years when we first moved to California. Honestly nosotros talked about staying in California forever, even though we didn't think information technology would actually happen.

But equally our boys got older, we began to feel like California wasn't the correct place for u.s.a.. Nosotros didn't knowwhere the right identify was, merely when Philip got a job opportunity in Dallas, nosotros immediately felt like moving to Texas was the correct thing for the states.

The two things I really miss near California are my friends (obviously) and the embankment. I loved living close to the h2o and existence able to get to the beach anytime we wanted. The smell, the sound, the views…I miss it all so much.

One year later our move, here'due south how we feel about moving to Texas

So, a year into living in Dallas, Texas, this is why we call up moving to Texas is a great choice if y'all're on the argue about it!

one. Price of living, duh

Ok, we can all agree that California is just stupid expensive. As I mentioned, we lived in Huntington Beach for four years, and although information technology was a dream location, we had three boys and no lawn. We had a dorsum patio, and we knew it just wouldn't work long term. So we built a house inland about 15 miles where had a yard, but still it was merelyso expensive.

When we started house hunting in Texas, the housing prices were laughable. Y'all could get the same size house with a huge yard in a keen location for a fraction of the prices in California. We have loved that Texas has given united states of america the ability to really commencement putting a lot of money abroad into our savings accounts once again.

2. Southern hospitality

Southern hospitality is one of those things y'all hear almost, but holy cow — it'due southa real affair. The people here are simply such good, kind, friendly people. They smile and moving ridge equally they walk or bulldoze by; they invite you over; they bank check in on you; they start up conversations in the grocery store line.

I feel similar a lot of the young families in the Dallas suburbs are Texas transplants. Because of this, many of them don't have family around, so their friends become their family and everyone just bands together and takes care of each other. It's and then amazing!

3. We become all four seasons

Living in paradise with 70 degree F atmospheric condition basically twelvemonth round is amazing. Don't become me wrong. But moving to Texas at the starting time of Feb gave us the tail end of wintertime, and and so right into the most cute spring, a viscid and hot summer, and and then a gorgeous autumn. I forgot how much I loved living somewhere with variation!

Not all parts of Texas get all four seasons like this, but our expanse does and it'south glorious. Our neighborhood has a long, winding, hilly route that goes in and out of the neighborhood, and we live at the very dorsum and then we have to drive upwards and downwardly this route (about 4 miles) everyday to go far and out. Information technology's lined with big beautiful copse, and during the jump they all burst into bloom, during the summer they're green and lush, and during the fall they're vivid crimson and orangish. It's like a little gift to me everyday while I drive.

four. A great place to raise a family unit

I can simply speak specifically to Dallas, but it's a great family city. There are tons of young families, lots of family unit friendly things to do in and around the city, and great schools!

v. Wide open spaces

When we get-go moved hither, I had my first very distinct feeling of being "land locked." I remembered people talking about that when we lived in Utah, but I had grown up in Las Vegas so it never bothered me. Merely after moving away from the body of water, it felt very weird to know nosotros were completely surrounded by land for hundreds of miles.

BUT we live in an area (we live in Due north Dallas) that has beautiful, open fields filled with cows and having all this infinite without everything merely so crowded (like California) feels really amazing. Nosotros actually live right past a small lake also, with hiking trails around it, so I feel like in that location'due south lots of room to movement and exhale.

half dozen. Close to a major city

As I mentioned above, we alive in a North Dallas suburb. We're about xxx-40 minutes from downtown Dallas, so close enough to get down in that location occasionally, only far plenty away from the busyness of city life.

Similar living in Orange County, I honey living by a major metropolis. There'southward lots to exercise, information technology's a destination metropolis, great restaurants and entertainment, and amazing hotels.

We plan to do many staycations down there to get a ameliorate feel for the city!

vii. Living on Cardinal Time

This is maybe a weird thing, but I honey existence on Central Time. Previously we were on Pacific Time and I felt like I waseverbehind everyone else in the country. By the time I woke up, people on the due east coast were halfway through their day!

I don't know why it even bothered me, but now living in Key time feels similar I'm a little alee of the game all mean solar day, and for some reason I like that.

8. Easy to become away anywhere

Another huge benefit of living in a place with a major city is that we have a major airport. We're one of the hubs for American Airlines (so many of our friends work for the airline besides!), so there are tons of flights all day long, and the airport is only near 15 minutes away from u.s..

It'southward also cracking to live centrally in the United States so we accept quicker flights to basically anywhere in the whole state.


1. It'southward very flat

Anybody told me this, only until we flew in for the very beginning fourth dimension last February, I really didn't understand it. WHOA, information technology'southward apartment. Similar zero hills anywhere. If y'all ever run across a hill, information technology stands out similar a sore thumb – information technology'due south very baroque!

Miraculously, our neighborhood is built on some small hills, and then we actually have a very hilly drive in and out of our neighborhood. Because of this, I forget how flat everything else is until I bulldoze out of our surface area.

Does the flatness bother me? No, not really. But I do miss the hills and mountains and variation of California and Utah and Nevada that I've experience throughout the remainder of my life.

2. Everyone leaves for the whole summertime.

This is a weird thing that I did non expect and still don't really understand. I mentioned above that many immature families hither are Texas transplants, so tons of these families leave for the entire summer to visit their families in other states. People are literally gone for three entire months of the twelvemonth!

Nosotros've only experienced it for 1 summer, obviously, merely it gets very serenity and empty for a few months!

If you're on the fence almost moving to Texas, hopefully this helps! And of class if you take whatever other questions, get out me a comment hither, or over on my Instagram!


  • How to settle in a new city, fit in, and make friends

  • The adjustment of our move to Texas

photo by Aubrey Stock

Moving to Texas or Thinking About It? Here are viii Reasons Nosotros Honey It.

moving to texas

We've at present lived in Texas for a whole year. WHAT! We get questions all the time near moving to Texas, so here are viii reasons why we dear living here.

Thinking about moving to Texas? So are a lot of other people!

Moving to Texas? A few weeks ago my mom texted me and told me that she'd read that over 86,000 people moved to Texas in 2019. We happened to be five of those people! Since we moved here i year ago, I become questions constantly about moving to Texas, and today I wanted to share 8 of our favorite things about living in The Lonely Star State.

Spoiler alert, nosotros beloved it here.

Did nosotros miss living in California after nosotros  moved to Texas?

WeLOVED California, specially living in Huntington Beach, which is where we lived for four years when nosotros first moved to California. Honestly we talked about staying in California forever, even though nosotros didn't recall it would actually happen.

Simply equally our boys got older, we began to feel like California wasn't the right place for us. We didn't knowwhere the right place was, just when Philip got a task opportunity in Dallas, we immediately felt similar moving to Texas was the right matter for u.s..

The two things I really miss virtually California are my friends (patently) and the beach. I loved living close to the water and being able to become to the beach anytime we wanted. The smell, the audio, the views…I miss it all so much.

One twelvemonth afterward our motion, here's how we experience about moving to Texas

So, a year into living in Dallas, Texas, this is why we think moving to Texas is a neat choice if yous're on the fence about information technology!

1. Toll of living, duh

Ok, we tin all agree that California is only stupid expensive. As I mentioned, we lived in Huntington Beach for iv years, and although it was a dream location, nosotros had 3 boys and no backyard. We had a back patio, and nosotros knew it just wouldn't work long term. Then we built a house inland well-nigh fifteen miles where had a grand, just withal it was justso expensive.

When nosotros started house hunting in Texas, the housing prices were laughable. You could get the same size house with a huge yard in a great location for a fraction of the prices in California. We have loved that Texas has given us the ability to really start putting a lot of money away into our savings accounts again.

2. Southern hospitality

Southern hospitality is ane of those things you hear nearly, but holy moo-cow — it'due southa real thing. The people here are only such good, kind, friendly people. They smile and moving ridge as they walk or drive past; they invite you over; they check in on y'all; they start upward conversations in the grocery store line.

I feel like a lot of the young families in the Dallas suburbs are Texas transplants. Considering of this, many of them don't have family around, and so their friends get their family and everyone only bands together and takes intendance of each other. It's so amazing!

iii. We get all four seasons

Living in paradise with lxx caste F weather condition basically twelvemonth round is amazing. Don't get me incorrect. But moving to Texas at the beginning of February gave united states of america the tail terminate of winter, and then right into the most beautiful spring, a gluey and hot summer, and and then a gorgeous autumn. I forgot how much I loved living somewhere with variation!

Not all parts of Texas become all 4 seasons similar this, but our area does and it's glorious. Our neighborhood has a long, winding, hilly road that goes in and out of the neighborhood, and we live at the very back and then we accept to drive upward and down this route (about 4 miles) everyday to get in and out. It'due south lined with big cute trees, and during the bound they all burst into bloom, during the summer they're green and lush, and during the autumn they're brilliant red and orangish. It's like a trivial gift to me everyday while I bulldoze.

four. A great place to heighten a family

I tin just speak specifically to Dallas, but it'southward a great family metropolis. At that place are tons of young families, lots of family friendly things to exercise in and effectually the urban center, and cracking schools!

5. Wide open spaces

When we first moved here, I had my first very distinct feeling of being "state locked." I remembered people talking about that when nosotros lived in Utah, simply I had grown up in Las Vegas so information technology never bothered me. But after moving abroad from the ocean, information technology felt very weird to know we were completely surrounded by land for hundreds of miles.

BUT we live in an surface area (we live in North Dallas) that has cute, open fields filled with cows and having all this space without everything only so crowded (similar California) feels actually amazing. We actually live right past a small lake likewise, with hiking trails around it, then I feel like there'southward lots of room to move and breathe.

6. Shut to a major city

As I mentioned higher up, we alive in a N Dallas suburb. Nosotros're most 30-40 minutes from downtown Dallas, then close enough to get downward there occasionally, but far enough abroad from the busyness of city life.

Like living in Orange County, I dearest living past a major city. In that location'south lots to do, it's a destination city, great restaurants and entertainment, and amazing hotels.

We plan to do many staycations downward in that location to get a better experience for the city!

7. Living on Primal Fourth dimension

This is maybe a weird matter, but I love being on Central Time. Previously we were on Pacific Time and I felt like I waseverbehind anybody else in the country. By the fourth dimension I woke upwardly, people on the east coast were halfway through their mean solar day!

I don't know why it even bothered me, but now living in Central fourth dimension feels like I'k a little alee of the game all day, and for some reason I similar that.

eight. Piece of cake to get away anywhere

Another huge do good of living in a place with a major urban center is that we have a major airport. We're one of the hubs for American Airlines (and then many of our friends work for the airline too!), and so there are tons of flights all day long, and the aerodrome is only about 15 minutes away from u.s.a..

Information technology'south too neat to live centrally in the U.s. and then we take quicker flights to basically anywhere in the whole country.


i. It's very flat

Everyone told me this, but until we flew in for the very first fourth dimension last February, I really didn't sympathise information technology. WHOA, information technology's flat. Like zero hills anywhere. If yous ever see a hill, it stands out like a sore thumb – it's very bizarre!

Miraculously, our neighborhood is built on some small-scale hills, and so we actually have a very hilly drive in and out of our neighborhood. Because of this, I forget how apartment everything else is until I bulldoze out of our surface area.

Does the flatness bother me? No, not really. Simply I practise miss the hills and mountains and variation of California and Utah and Nevada that I've feel throughout the rest of my life.

two. Anybody leaves for the whole summertime.

This is a weird thing that I did not expect and nevertheless don't really empathize. I mentioned to a higher place that many immature families hither are Texas transplants, and so tons of these families leave for the entire summer to visit their families in other states. People are literally gone for three entire months of the twelvemonth!

Nosotros've just experienced information technology for one summer, evidently, just it gets very quiet and empty for a few months!

If y'all're on the fence most moving to Texas, hopefully this helps! And of course if y'all have any other questions, go out me a comment here, or over on my Instagram!


  • How to settle in a new city, fit in, and make friends

  • The adjustment of our motility to Texas

photograph past Aubrey Stock


Source: https://www.merricksart.com/moving-to-texas/

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